Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog! Nice that you managed to have a look at my website!

I just want to give you a lot more inside about my travels with this blog. There is just a lot more to tell than single pictures and short videos can do. For example the difficult communication in rural China to a four-hour boat trip off the Caribbean coast of Panama to a heavenly uninhabited island called Escudo de Veraguas.

Often when planning a trip to nearby or distant places you lack the necessary insider tips to have an unforgettable experience. It is also always good to get tips for saving money, having the right medicine with you or knowing the fastest transportation.  This blog should be for all travel enthusiasts and sometimes also for aspiring travel photographers.  Thank you for your time and look forward to the first blog articles.  

Yours, Luca

Yanghuo, Guilin, China

Yanghuo, Guilin, China

Luca RennerComment