5 Things you should think about before your landscape photography shooting!

Hi guys,

great to have you all back in here on my Blog. I hope you’re doing well and you can enjoy your life. As many of you asked me via DM I wrote this Blog post in which I describe what to think about before a outdoor/landcsape photography shooting. The location, the weather, the photographed subject, the the gear and most importantly your idea.

  1. The location: The location is definitely the thing you spent thinking about before the most. Its important that you try to explore the place via google maps the next time before you reach a location because then you can save a lot of time when you’re there. Also if you plan to make beautiful images at the location you should spend a few hours the afternoon before the sunrise shoot because then you have the possibility to scout the exact places for the planned photos which you have in mind. Also you can think about your compositions that you don’t have to wait much Tim the next day when you have only a limited time of good&soft sunlight.

  2. The weather: The weather is the next important point because your whole compositions depend on the weather when you’re creating landscape or product/portrait images in nature. Try to be a the location when its the best season to shoot images there. Like spring or autumn in the dolomites, cherry blossom season in Japan etc.. Also try to be at the location when there is a stable weather situation that you won’t be in any fast weather situation like hurricanes/bad thunderstorm etc. Next is that you check the weather via one weather apps the days in advance but I think that you can only rely exactly on the forecast within 48 hours. Prepare for the type of weather like for example rain with weather sealings, gear, clothes etc. My preference is creating images in sunny weather with some morning fog.

  3. The subject: Think about in advance what you want to photograph and find examples from other professional photographers. For example if you want to create underwater images try to find inspirations from pros like @josiahwg ( https://www.instagram.com/josiahwg/ ), @emmett_sparling ( https://www.instagram.com/emmett_sparling/ ) on Instagram. Every time you travel to a specific destination and you have specific images in mind try to fin these images on instagram for a better preparation that you’ll find better angles at the location. Mostly landscape and travel photography is about good planning

  4. The gear: You should prepare your gear always in advance to be prepared when you get the conditions you’ve always wanted. Charge all your batteries, clean every lens and filter and always check if you’re SD cards have enough space for that day/trip/job. And also prepare yourself for good and bad weather like weather ceiling and other things that keep your gear safe. If you want to check out my gear please my Gear Blog Post https://lucarennerphotography.com/blog/my-camera-gear .

  5. Your idea: Now is coming the biggest part of every shooting. These all points before should only ensure that you’re able to create your wanted images which started as an idea. Also before you go out on an adventure always check you’re initial ideas if you’re able to create them. For example you want to photograph a place from above with you’re drone but its forbidden to fly there with you’re drone because an airport is too near. Also check if you have another friend how can stand for scale that you can add the human element or if you have a controller for your camera that you can stand in the image. What im always telling is that your idea is the most important part about photography. Only you can have it and you should always try to train your creativity as much as possible.

Thank you guys for reading that guide and I try to bring out a few travel guides within the next week.


Luca Renner